
My name is Benn Craig. I am a professional photographer in the most amateur of ways. Here I will post pictures that I’ve taken of my hometown–Arlington, Massachusetts–one at a time.

20 thoughts on “About

  1. Your pictures give a real flavor of Arlington and make me want to look at life around me a little more closely. Thanks!

  2. Hi Benn, Your photos are beautiful. I loved the fireworks over Town Hall and the squiggly lines in front of the Regent. It was good to see you Town Day, and I’d love to talk about how we might save some of your photos in the archives here at The Arlington Historical Society.–Doreen Stevens, AHS

    1. Thanks Bob,

      I just took a look at that site, he even does a “Wednesday Doorway” much like the “Entryways” series that I have done. Looks like a great site to be linked to.


  3. Dear Benn,
    It appears you shot some photos at my show Saturday night. Did you shoot the whole thing? Alberto sent me four of your shots I didn’t see or hear you – you’re good! I’d love to see whatever else you shot, if possible. Great work! Thank you! Neil McGarry “Burbage”

  4. Hi Ben! Thanks for the pix. I’m doing the expat thing right now, and seeing your posts gives me a happy taste of home. All the best from the other side of the world. -K.

  5. I admire the photo entitled “Perfect Circle” of a skater on Menotomy Rocks Pond on Feb. 2nd…especially because it is of me! It was a beautiful moment to be out there, and your photo captured that elegantly. Thanks for sharing the beauty of our town with all of us. -Chris Carlsmith

    1. Hi Chris,

      I’m glad you were out there skating at dusk and enjoying what winter has to offer here in Arlington–and for creating such a great photo opportunity! I hope that seeing the photo was a great little surprise!

      Benn Craig

  6. I would like to talk to you (email or ?) about how you set this up, select the daily photos, etc.. This is something that a couple of us are thinking about for another community. (Saw this post because of FB friendship with someone else in Arlington.)

    1. Hi Joseph,

      I’ve set up this site up through wordpress. It offers free hosting (though I have purchased additional storage and a domain name) and it is really easy to use to post updates. I’m the sole author of this site so I just choose whatever photo I like, usually something I’ve taken recently, but through wordpress you can make it so there are multiple people with posting privileges if there are a few people who want to contribute. Let me know if you have any other questions and I’d love to see the site when it is up and running!


  7. Hey Benn, do you mind if we use some of your photos of the Robbins Library on the Robbins Library Blog? Needless to say, we will let visitors know that the photos are your intellectual property and link back to your site. Thanks!

    1. Hi Ryan, feel free to use any photos you like! The attribution would be great and if you could also send me a link to the blog when it is finished and posted that would be much appreciated.

      Have a good one!

  8. I am so happy to have stumbled across this, and am also very pleased that you’re continuing to update. I lived in Arlington from when I was 6 years old in 1979 until my family had to move out of state in 1988, and still consider it my hometown, even if Arlington has grown up in the last 25+ years without me! 🙂

    Thank you for your work.

  9. I’ve shared your link on a close Facebook group of people who are from Arlington, and I’m getting a lot of thank you’s from the posting. Just though you should know. You have definitely caught what it is to be Arlington.

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